Note: This feature is part of the separately licensed Axeda ConnectedConfiguration feature. If the Axeda Platform is not licensed for ConnectedConfiguration, you will not have access to Asset Configurations.
An Actual Asset Configuration is a configuration which represents the current state of an asset. As opposed to a Defined Asset Configuration, the Actual Configuration is a snapshot of how a specific asset is configured. When an asset's configuration changes, the agent can be configured (through file hint handler, dependencies.xml) to send the new configuration to the Platform. You can configure expression rules to determine how an actual asset configuration compares to another asset's actual asset configuration, or to a defined configuration. Change in asset configuration creates the following event messages: ConfigurationEvent and ConfigurationStoredEvent. Expression rules can be configured for these events, using the DefinedConfiguration or ConfigurationValidation triggers.
Agents can report their configurations (using file hint handling). Configurations can also be defined through the Axeda API/SDK.
Note that even though an actual asset configuration can be modified from an Agent asserting its modified configuration or through the Axeda API, the Platform will always save the API-modified actual configuration as the current value.
When an actual asset configuration is created, updated, or deleted, the Platform creates an audit message to track the event. The audit message will provide the serial number related to the asset and the name of the user (if applicable) who performed the operation, and other applicable information. See partial list of audit log details.