When you are actively connected to a Remote Terminal session, the Remote Terminal Access window is shown. If you have control of the session (and by default, the user who created the session has control), you can type commands in the window. If you are observing the session (and, by default, if you joined a session, you are a participant), you cannot type commands in the window.
The window displays the message, "Click in the window to start typing".
When you have control of the session, as indicated
with the next to your user
name, you can type your commands to the connected asset. The window will
echo back communications generated by the asset. While typing, the label
"Typing" appears below your user name.
When you do not have control of a session, as
indicated with next to your
user name, you can request control. When you have control, you can type
commands and send them to the connected asset.
To request session control, click Request Control.
The Platform displays a message to the user currently in control of the session that you have requested control. If that user gives you control, you can type commands and send them to the connected asset. The window will echo back communications generated by the asset. While typing, the label "Typing" appears below your user name.
When you have control of the session and another
participant of the same session requests control, the label "Waiting
for Control" appears below that user's name along with the icon:.
To yield control of the session, click the name of the user waiting for control.
When the Platform passes control, your user
name appears with and the labels
"Observing" and "Typing" appear for the user in control.
Click End Session or click the close button in the top, right corner of the window.
Either action closes the session window but does not disconnect the session with the asset.
Click Leave Session.
This action closes the session window for you, but does not disconnect the session with the asset.
Click Terminate.
You can only terminate the session if you started the connection or now have control (that is, you are the current owner).