(To close the form without saving or submitting any defined values, click the form button again.)
1. From - type the e-mail address of the individual sending this e-mail in the From box. This value is required. For example, name@company.com.
2. User - To send the e-mail message to a specific Axeda® Platform user, select (from the directory server database) the e-mail address of the user to define as this e-mail's recipient.
3. User Group - To send the e-mail message to a specific Platform user group, select (from the directory server database) the e-mail address of the user group to define as this e-mail's recipient.
4. To Role - To send the e-mail message to a specific Platform role, select (from the directory server database) the e-mail address of the role to define as this e-mail's recipient.
5. To other - To send the e-mail message to e-mail addresses of users or groups not defined in directory server, type those addresses in the to other box. Separate multiple addresses with commas.
6. Subject - Type the subject line for the e-mail message.
7. Message - Type the message body
for the e-mail message. This supports a maximum of 1000 characters.
You can include placeholders in the body of the message to substitute information
about an asset that triggered an action, the time the rule for this action
executed, or the usage item related to this rule.
8. Configuring template placeholders in e-mail notifications
Configurable time stamp placeholders for e-mail notifications
Click Submit.