New Custom Component or Edit Custom Component

Enables you to add or modify a custom component for use in packages.

Procedure for this page

1.       Set the following parameters:

§         Component Name - Type the name of the file in which the executable is stored.

§         Function Name - Type the name of the function to call.

§         Contents - Type any parameter values that need to be passed to the function at run time.

§         Display Name - Type a string for the application to use in the lists of dependencies and instructions. Users can then select this custom component as appropriate to a package.

§         Description - Type a description of what this component does. For example, if it is a dependency, explain the criteria for the function to return a pass and for it to return a fail. Note that this field is optional.

2.       Click Finish.

Note: You can select to define a new custom component from the Dependencies and Instructions pages of the Package wizard and from the Instructions page of the Named Instruction Set wizard. When you are ready to return to the wizards, click Cancel to return without adding the custom component or Finish to add the custom component and return to the wizards. If you chose to add the custom component, its display name appears in the list of dependencies or instructions so that you can select it.

See Also