Interval time formats for trend charts

Supported formats for defining Interval time values.

To show this

Use this


[n] days

[n]d or [n]

1d or 1 - shows data for 1 day

[n] hours

[n]h or [n]:

2h or 2: - shows data for 2 hours

[n] minutes

[n]m or 0:[n]

3m or 0:3 - shows data for 3 minutes

[n] seconds

[n]s or 0:0:[n]

4s or 0:0:4 - shows data for 4 seconds


You can create additional interval times by concatenating the defined Interval values with +, -, or (space). For example, "1d + 8h" defines an interval timeframe of 1 day and 8 hours.