This page displays the results of comparing two uploaded snapshot or text files from an asset. The information displayed here includes the following:
File 1 and File 2 - Above the table, these fields show the paths and names of the selected files.
Color codes - Just below the names of the files is the key for the Type colors: by default, Added is green, Modified is yellow, and Removed is orange.
Results table - Through color coding, the table of results shows which entries were Added, Modified, or Removed. The table has four columns, the first one differing between the two types of files:
Line No. - For a text file comparison, this first column shows the number of the line in the file.
Parameter - For a snapshot comparison, this first column shows the name of the parameter that is different in the two files.
Type - For both types of files, this second column indicates whether the line was Added, Removed, or Modified. Different colors distinguish the types. By default, the settings are: green for Added records, yellow for Modified records, and orange for Removed records.
File 1 - For both types of files, this third column shows either the line (text file) or the parameter content (snapshot) as it appears in File 1.
File 2 - For both types of files, this fourth column shows either the line (text file) or the parameter content (snapshot) as it appears in File 2.
In general, an Added or Removed line or parameter appears in either the File 1 or File 2 column, while a Modified line or parameter appears in both the File 1 and File 2 columns.
If the first column of the table shows "No items found" then the files selected for comparison have no differences.
The filters that appear above the column headings in snapshot results are similar to those used in the System Configuration page of the Administration application.
For both snapshot and text file comparison results, you can use the navigation links as follows:
Export - To export comparison results to a comma separated file (*.csv). When prompted, click Save to save the file to your local hard drive.
Select Files - To run another comparison, click this link.
Close - To exit the File Comparison utility (close the window).
For snapshot comparison results only, you can sort the information by Parameter, Type, File 1, or File 2. To sort the results, click a column heading.
To search for information in snapshot results, use the Simple filters, as follows:
1. In the text box above a column heading, type all or part of a Parameter name or File name. You can use a wildcard if you do not know the exact name to type.
2. To display only one Type of item (Added, Removed, or Modified), select the Type from the list above the column heading.
3. Click Filter. When it refreshes, the page displays only the items corresponding to the filters you specified.