Create or edit an asset group

Use the Create asset group page to add a new asset group to the Platform. Use the View and edit properties for <asset_group_name> page to view and edit the properties of an existing asset group selected in the View and manage asset groups page. You must have the appropriate privileges to access and use this page.

Procedures from this page

From this page, you can create asset groups or edit an existing one.

To create an asset group

1.       Type the name for the asset group. You cannot use the forward slash character in the name of an asset group when creating the asset group from this page because the forward slash is used to delimit the  fully qualified path of an asset group. However, you can use up to 50 alphanumeric and other special characters in the name. In addition, asset group names are often shown in the Axeda Applications pages using their fully qualified path, so for easiest viewing of asset group names, limit the names to 50 characters or less as much as possible. This field is required.


Asset group names are case insensitive, so the Platform considers the asset group name "AG1" the same as "ag1".

For ways to add or change the name of an asset group so that you can use a forward slash, see the Tips section below.

If the fully qualified path name of the asset group will exceed 4000 characters, the asset group will not be created. The fully qualified path name of an asset group starts with "/Root Asset Group" and includes the parent, grandparent, and great-grandparent asset group names, as applicable. For example, a fully qualified path name could be "/Root Asset Group/ServiceProvider_1/Laptops/Windows". In this path, the asset group is "Windows", its immediate parent is "Laptops," its grandparent is "ServiceProvider_1", and its great-grandparent is the Root Asset Group. This path is less than 4000 characters so the asset group, Windows, would be created.

2.       Type a description of the asset group, using up to 2000 alphanumeric characters. This information is optional.

3.       Select the Parent Asset Group for this asset group from the list.

Note: If you are a non-administrative user, you will see only those asset groups to which you have privileges.

4.       Make sure you have the correct Parent Asset Group before continuing because you cannot change it, except by deleting and re-creating the asset group.

5.       To create the asset group, click Submit. To exit this page without creating the asset group, click Cancel.

Whether you save or cancel, the View and manage asset groups page appears. If you saved it, the new asset group is shown in the table on the View and manage asset groups page, in alphabetical order.

To edit an existing asset group

1.       Change the name or description information shown for the asset group. Keep in mind that you cannot use the forward slash character when editing the name from this page. You can use up to 50 alphanumeric and other special characters. In addition,  the fully qualified path name for the asset group cannot exceed 4000 characters. For ways to add or change the name of an asset group so that you can use a forward slash, see the Tips section below.

If this asset group has been assigned a Parent Asset Group, you cannot change the assignment. To change the Parent, you need to delete the asset group and re-create it.

If this asset group is the Default Model Asset Group created when the asset first registered with the Platform, the path of the Parent Asset Group for all default model asset groups (/Root Asset Group/Default Model Group) is displayed and you cannot change it. Note that if the model name from which the Platform created the Default Model Asset Group name contained a forward slash, the Platform replaces the slash in the name of the Default Model Asset Group with a vertical bar or "pipe".

2.       To save your changes, click Submit. To discard the changes, click Cancel.

Whether you save or cancel, your return to the View and manage asset groups page. If you saved them, the changes to the asset group are reflected in the Platform immediately.


Two other ways to create an asset group exist:

o        Default Model Asset Group - this asset group is created by an asset of a model that registers for the first time.

o        Dynamic Group Definitions - asset groups can be created through the values of properties that are defined in a Dynamic Group Definition.

Since forward slashes are allowed in model names and in the values of properties in Dynamic Group definitions, the Platform preserves the forward slashes for those model names and property values. However, it replaces the forward slashes with vertical bars or "pipes" when displaying the fully qualified path for an asset group in the Axeda® Connected Product Management Applications.