Custom Object Example: Sending email

This custom object sends an email through the API. An example call from Groovy would be:

Email.send("","","Test Subject","This is the body of the email");


Name: EmailTest

Type: Action

Description: (type your own)

Source Code:

import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder


// initialize our XML response

def writer = new StringWriter()

def xml = new MarkupBuilder(writer)


def address = parameters.address

def phrase = parameters.phrase


def subject = "Email Sent Successfully! Phrase: ${phrase}"

def body = "<html><body><H2>If you can read this, then the email was correctly sent with the Phrase ${phrase}</H2><br/><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></body></html>"


try {

    // this is all you need to do!"from-${address}",address,subject,body,"text/html")


    xml.Email {






} catch (Exception e) {


    StringWriter logStringWriter = new StringWriter();

    PrintWriter logPrintWriter = new PrintWriter(logStringWriter)


    logger.error("Exception occurred in FunWithMath.groovy: ${logStringWriter.toString()}")


    xml.error() {

      faultcode ("Groovy Exception")





return ["Content-Type": "application/xml","Content":writer.toString()]Parameters: None

Parameters: Three parameters:

Variable name

Display name


(REQUIRED) The name of the calling user


(REQUIRED) The email address to send an email


(REQUIRED) The phrase (or body) to include in the email