From the Configure the rule timer page, you can add a rule timer or change the configuration of an existing rule timer. You can schedule a rule timer for a set of rules from this page. After the period you set for the timer elapses, the Platform evaluates the selected rules and runs the actions of those rules, as appropriate.
This page consists of three main areas:
o General information -- the Name of the rule timer and a Description for it
o Schedule -- the specifics for when the rule timer will fire. All of these fields work together to create the schedule. While you can select separately the seconds, minutes, hours, days of the month, specific months, and weekdays, ALL of the fields are used in the final Schedule. Each of these fields has a corresponding Select button that gives you multiple options for setting up the schedule.
Important! Rule timers run in GMT, so a timer that runs at hour 23 is running at 11 pm or 23:00 hours in GMT time (London, England, for example). If you are in another time zone, for example, Eastern Standard Time (Boston), then the timer runs not at 11 pm but at hour 23 minus five hours, or 6 pm (18:00 hours).
o Rules -- the Type of timer, Asset or System, and then the rules and assets to which the timer will apply.
To configure the Rule Timer, enter information in each of these sections.
1. In the Name field, type a unique identifier for the rule timer. You can use up to 50 alphanumeric and special characters.
2. In the Description field, type a brief explanation of the rule timer's schedule and applicability. You can use up to 2000 alphanumeric and special characters.
3. Under Schedule, select the components for the schedule that controls when the timer will fire, using the available fields. For details, refer to Configuring the Schedule for a Rule Timer.
4. After configuring each component of the schedule, the Cron format of the schedule appears in the Schedule field. The field is outlined in red if it is not a valid schedule. If you mouse over this field, the error message explaining the problem appears in a balloon window. Review the message and make any indicated changes.
5. To configure the Rules section, first select the Type of timer, Asset Timer or System Timer. The expression rules whose trigger message matches this Type appear in the list of Rules. The assets to which the expression rule has been applied are listed under Applies to Assets.
6. To select an expression rule for this timer, select the check box for the rule in the selection column. You can also mouse over the rule listing. When the line is highlighted in blue, click it once to select the check box. To select all rules listed, select the check box at the top of the selection column.
7. Click Add to move the selected expression rules to the list under Execute these rules based on the configured schedule.
8. If you want to remove an expression rule from the timer, select the rule name in the Execute list and, when the check box for the rule shows a check mark, click Remove. The expression rule moves back to the list of available rules for the timer.
9. When
ready, click:
Save and New - to save the rule
timer and clear the form so that you can add another rule timer.
Save - to save the rule timer settings
and return to the View and manage
rule timers page.
Cancel - to discard your changes
and return to the View and manage rule timers page.